August 19, 2024

Part 2: B2B Marketing Trends & Challenges

Marketing Topics

2025 B2B Marketing Challenges

An extraordinarily tight presidential race between two candidates whose economic policies will impact B2B businesses. The ongoing challenge of adapting to – and adopting – artificial intelligence. A skilled labor shortage in many industrial sectors.

B2B marketers of all kinds have plenty to unpack as 2024 winds down, and 2025 is right around the corner.

In part one of BLD Marketing’s AI-inspired view into B2B Marketing trends and challenges, we focused on the Top 10 trends.

In part two, BLD Marketing queried ChatGPT on the biggest challenges for B2B Marketing in 2025. Predicting these challenges involves considering current trends and potential future developments. Here are several possible challenges that could loom large, along with our perspective.

  1. Data Privacy and Compliance: As regulations continue to evolve globally (such as GDPR and CCPA), ensuring compliance while maintaining effective data-driven marketing strategies will remain critical. Navigating the complexities of data privacy laws across different regions could become increasingly challenging.

    As mentioned in Part 1: 10 Trends in B2B Marketing, Bloomberg Magazine provides a recent update on the number of U.S. states enacting consumer privacy laws.

  2. Adapting to Technological Changes: Rapid advancements in AI, machine learning, and automation will require B2B marketers to continuously update their skills and strategies. Adopting and integrating new technologies effectively while ensuring they align with business objectives will be a significant challenge.

    If your B2B enterprise does not yet have an AI policy, develop one now to navigate your organization and employees through the AI world. AI will play an increasing role in B2B marketing in the coming years. The best way to embrace AI in marketing is to practice it. Start an AI marketing task force, and commit an exploratory test-and-learn budget toward AI Marketing. Identify areas in your current B2B digital marketing ecosystem where AI could enhance efforts.

  3. Personalization at Scale: As customer expectations for personalized experiences grow, B2B marketers will need to find ways to scale personalized interactions across multiple touchpoints and throughout the customer journey. Balancing automation with genuine personalization will be crucial.

    The first step to personalization is segmenting the data and using more of an account-based marketing (ABM) as discussed in Part 1: 10 Trends in B2B Marketing. Once the marketing database is structured to deliver relevant content to specific audiences, the next step is to find ways to infuse custom messaging within that content and rolling all of it into an automated approach that can provide scale and efficiency. HubSpot, a partner of BLD Marketing, provides a useful guide to email marketing personalization.

  4. Content Saturation and Quality: With the proliferation of content across various platforms, cutting through the noise to deliver valuable and relevant content will be increasingly challenging. Maintaining high-quality content that engages and educates B2B buyers will be essential.

    With more and more brands self-publishing content, it is crucial for B2B brands to have a strong pulse on relevant conversation topics. At BLD, we closely follow industry trends and research data and use it as the basis for many of our content topics – for both our brand and our clients. It is also important to closely track content performance. Every B2B brand will have content topic patterns that develop to inform the direction for future topics your audience desires.

  5. Integration of Marketing and Sales Efforts: Achieving alignment between marketing and sales teams to effectively nurture leads through the funnel and optimize conversion rates will continue to be a persistent challenge. This includes leveraging data and technology to enhance collaboration and communication between the two functions.

    In B2B marketing, there has often been a substantial gap between marketing efforts to produce a marketing qualified lead and for sales efforts to turn that into a business opportunity. Technology is the great integrator to bridge that gap with marketing databases connecting to CRM intelligence. However, without proper process, communication, buy-in, and leadership, that gap will never fully be sealed. In our mind, it is marketing leadership’s responsibility to ensure sales enablement and full integration with marketing occurs.

  6. Adapting to Buyer Behavior Changes: Understanding and responding to shifts in B2B buyer behavior, particularly as younger generations enter decision-making roles, will require marketers to continuously evolve their strategies and messaging.

    Buyer behavior should be expected to continually shift as there are constant influences – changing needs, dissatisfaction, competitive pressures, etc. – that motivate even loyal customers to consider a new path. At BLD Marketing, we put a high priority on strong customer planning activities, both as a kick-off to the relationship and as an ongoing method to ensure our B2B clients remain informed and relevant to their customers.

  7. Measuring ROI and Attribution: Proving the effectiveness of marketing efforts and attributing ROI accurately across complex B2B sales cycles and multiple touchpoints remains a challenge. Developing robust measurement frameworks and analytics capabilities will be crucial.

    The customer’s journey from discovery to purchase is rarely a simple, linear path. Rather, there are typically multiple brand touchpoints and behavior that contribute to a successful customer win. Today, however, there are digital platforms that integrate well with CRM, marketing, and GA4 to tell a strong attribution story. It all starts with a good plan and structure for capturing the most meaningful performance marketing data. But it is heavily dependent on both sales and marketing being committed to building habits to input and maintain accurate data for the platforms to correctly assess attribution and ROI.

  8. Globalization and Cultural Differences: Scaling B2B marketing efforts globally while navigating cultural nuances and regional preferences presents challenges in maintaining brand consistency and relevance across diverse markets.

    Scaling B2B marketing efforts globally has long been a challenge. There are creative ways to make this happen. Often, specialist agencies like BLD Marketing are seen as the strategic agency and are asked to develop a network of independent local agency connections for in-market activation. There are a number of strong global networks available to B2B brands, and it is recommended that brands work with their primary agency to vet the best networks for their situation.

  9. An Agile Mindset

    Engineering success in 2025 dictates that a brand remain agile and adaptable in its B2B marketing efforts. It will also require a commitment to be data-driven, customer-centric, and focused on innovation and collaboration across departments and technologies.

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